Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bee-Utiful Day

Wow its 80 somethin degrees out! It is sooooo nice! I sat outside for a bit when I woke up and saw one of these little fuzzy guys;

I have always been in awe of these little creatures. They are always so busy! Of course when youre growing up you never think of how amazing they really are, you even so much as hear one buzz by your head and you head for the hills with arms flailing about. But a  few years back I read something about them bee-coming extinct and I was like, huh? Thatd bee awful! How could that bee? Okay okay Ill stop. But really they impact the earth so much I never even realized it! Sooo since then I have made it a point to stop and watch them through my zoom lens and try to appreciate them a little more. They really do ignore you if you just let them do their thing its crazy. Its funny how when you're artsy fartsy you can find inspiration in even the tiniest of things, yes? I recently made a purchase at Red Lead of some bee-inspired products, so Im going to play with them tonite so we'll see what I can come up with..

One last thing, I want to thank Cosmo Cricket and Cards Magazine for picking me as the winner of their challenge to be in Cards magazine. I am soooo excited! That's awesome! There were so many beautiful entries I cant believe it! Although it is truly easy to make cute things with Cosmo Crickets products because they are already sooo amazing!

Have a bee-autiful day! Gotta fly!

"Morning is best of all times in the garden.The sun is not yet hot. Sweet vapors rise from the earth. Night dew clings to the soil and makes plants glisten. Birds call to one another. Bees are already at work."
-William Longgood

1 comment:

Crooked Scrapper said...

Cosmos are one of my very favorite flowers. Thank you for sharing yours with me today.