Phew! Can you believe another Thanksgiving has already come & gone? I can't! I love this holiday because even though I thank the Lord everyday for all of our blessings, and I try to be grateful even in the hard times, I think about how blessed my family has been throughout all of these years. Even when we were down & out, (& trust me, we've been pretty down & out at times, but who hasn't?) we were still okay. Sometimes the Lord will use the storms in our lives to bring us to a better place, sometimes better than where we started from. Isnt that awesome? He is awesome! I thank Him everyday for letting me spend another day on earth with my boys. They are so funny and so amazing! But. Getting them to take a cute picture with their ole mom is like pullin teeth. I just wanted ONE... But it was either the timing was off, or there was a glare, or a bubble,
Orrrr the tryptophan kicked in.....
Okay, maybe not there, but defenitely here-
We were soooo full from so many treats!
My moms amazing pumpkin roll is always a hit,
I could seriously just sit, with a spoon, and eat, an entire bowl of that filling, it's just yummy creamy fluffy goodness...
Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and now it's Christmas all the way baby!
Give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good!
His faithful love endures forever!
1 Chronicles 16:34
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